Have a question?
NINIGRET Boat Ride + Roundtable
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
7-9 p.m.
Charlestown, RI. While the boat ride is sold out, there are seats left for our roundtable afterwards. Limited 20 seats. Together with wine and Ninigret oysters, please join our local thought leaders discussing the health of our salt pond. A little, useful book on the natural history of Ninigret Pond will also be available for sale (modeled after the late marine biologist Prentice Stout's marvelous book on Point Judith).
Join Professor J.P. Walsh/URI Oceanography Program and Director of the Natural Resources Center, Brian Pinsky, 401 Oyster Farmer and Captain Declan O'Donnell/Breachway Bait + Tackle Owner and Shelter Cove Marina manager, as we ask questions about our individual mandate.
The first question we may ask is "What can I do?"

Captain Declan O'Donnell and Bill Twardy, Wallander Realty, Charlestown, RI

Heron Takes Flight at Ninigret Pond, Charlestown, RI

The Adams enjoy BoP Reading Room Conservation Boat Ride, Ninigret Pond, RI

Orange Sunset over Ninigret Pond, Charlestown, RI

For more information on Professor J.P. Walsh please click here.

Captain O'Donnell will be navigating our boat tour (sold out). Declan is on the pond everyday, helping boat owners. Also an avid fisherman, he will be on hand to answer questions addressing the state of the pond.

Brian Pinksy, Ninigret farm owner, will answer key questions on the intersection between aquaculture and commerce.

Special thanks to Bill Twardy our conservation boatride sponsor.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
7-9 p.m.
289 Narrow Lane
BoP's Reading Room
20 Limited Seats
Reservation Requested
$50 wine + oysters included
We accept Venmo, Paypal and Checks payable to "Books on the Pond".
To reserve your seat, get in touch with us via email
[email protected] or by call/text message (914) 450-9598